BRIAN J GRABER LLC is an Indiana wage & hour attorney representing employees in federal and Indiana wage & hour law disputes against their employer. Know your rights under federal and Indiana wage & hour law. If you believe your employer violated federal or Indiana wage & hour laws, contact BRIAN J GRABER LLC at (574) 395-5189 for a free consultation.
Most Indiana employees are covered by the federal Fair Labor Standards Act, (FLSA), 29 U.S.C. 201, et seq. Those Indiana employees not covered by the federal Fair Labor Standards Act may be protected by the Indiana Minimum Wage Law of 1965, IC 22-2-2-1, et seq., if their employer has at least two or more employees. Click here to learn about your rights to minimum wages and overtime pay under federal wage & hour law.
Under both federal and Indiana wage & hour laws, independent contractors are not considered “employees.” Therefore, independent contractors have no protection under federal and Indiana wage & hour laws.
Indiana Minimum Wage
Currently, both federal and Indiana wage & hour laws require covered employers to pay covered employees at least $7.25 per hour. Generally, employers claiming a tipped credit must pay tipped employees at least $2.13 per hour.
Indiana Overtime Compensation
Currently, both federal and Indiana wage & hour laws require covered employers to pay covered employees 1 1/2 times their regular rate of pay as “overtime” compensation when employees work more than forty (40) hours during a workweek. Both federal and Indiana wage & hour laws contain many exceptions to the overtime pay requirement.

If you believe that your employer is violating your rights under federal or Indiana wage & hour laws, contact BRIAN J GRABER LLC, an Indiana wage & hour lawyer, at (574) 395-5189 for a free confidential consultation.
Federal Wage & Hour Law Remedies
Under federal wage & hour law, 29 U.S.C 216(b) any employer who violates federal minimum wage law and/or federal overtime law is liable to the employee for the full amount of the unpaid minimum wages and/or unpaid overtime wages, and an amount equal to the amount of the unpaid wages as liquidated damages. Indiana employees covered by federal wage & hour law are protected from termination and discrimination in retaliation for exercising their rights under the FLSA, 29 U.S.C. 215(a)(3). Learn more about your federal rights to be free from termination or discrimination in retaliation for insisting on your federal rights to minimum wage and overtime here. If you were terminated or discriminated against for exercising your rights to full compensation for your wages and overtime under federal wage & hour law, contact BRIAN J GRABER LLC, an Indiana wage & hour lawyer, at (574) 395-5189 for a free confidential consultation. Click here to learn about your protection from retaliation under federal wage & hour retaliation law.
Indiana Wage & Hour Law Remedies
Under the Indiana Minimum Wage Law, IC 22-2-2-9 an employer is liable for the amount of the unpaid minimum and unpaid overtime wages as well as an amount equal to the amount of the unpaid wages as liquidated damages. Indiana wage & hour laws provide no protection from termination or retaliation if you file a wage claim against your employer. Click here to learn about protections from wage & hour retaliation.
If your employer is refusing to compensate you for all the hours you worked, refusing to pay you minimum wage, or refusing to pay you overtime, contact BRIAN J GRABER LLC, an Indiana wage & hour lawyer, at (574) 395-5189 for a free confidential consultation.